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Netball Academy Application

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The program will be run in partnership with Inspire Netball Group at the Holloway Road Campus in the new netball stadium.
Netball Academy Trials 2023

Sandringham College Netball Academy applications for 2024 are now open, and will close on 8th October 2023.

Trials for the 2024 program for students in Years 7-9 in 2024 will be held during Term 4 and applicants will be notified by email early in Term 4 of the trial date.

If you require additional information or would like to discuss the Netball Academy program please contact Nicole Elliott or Elise Dowling, Netball Academy Coordinators, Phone: (03) 8599 0500

Netball Academy Application

    Please note: All fields are required to be completed to process your application. Tip: If you are having difficulties completing the form please update your web browser to the latest version.(For optimum results, please try submitting using Google Chrome)


    Year Level (2024)

    Please note: There will be additional costs associated with this program. Students will be invited to attend a trial and information about this process will be emailed to the address provided above.

    Parent Acknowledgement: YesNo

    To progress with this application, please attach the student's most recent full semester report, their most recent NAPLAN report and a reference from a netball coach outlining why they believe the student would be a positive addition to the program. This reference should include details such as Strengths, Areas for Improvement, Coachability, Attitude / Sportsmanship etc:

    Do you understand that your child will only be eligible to attend the 2024 Netball Academy trial if they have been offered an enrolment place in 2024?: Yes

    To verify that you are not a robot, please answer this simple maths equation:

    “I welcome you to our school, a place where we respect the past and work together to create the future.”

    Amy Porter, College Principal